Saturday 8 August 2009

Church planting - again.

The OPC website has online versions of its two main publications, New Horizons and Ordained Servant, the latter as the title indicates, is for church officers. When visiting their general Assembly in June this year, I was very impressed by the church planting activity of their home missions committee. Since the beginning of 2008 they have planted 29 causes. Equally impressive was the fact that when the church planters present were asked to stand and be recognized a very high proportion were middle-aged and in some cases 'retired' ministers. I was duly rebuked and reminded once more that retirement is not a Biblical idea.

Ross Graham, convenor of their home Missions Committee has written an article outlining six stages of church planting as a kind of follow-up to the OPC's policy document on Church Planting. It makes good Biblical sense to me so I thought I'd put the info on this blog for others to share.

On the OPC website look for Ordained Servant . The article I especially liked is How to Plant a Presbyterian Church - Ross W. Graham.

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