Tuesday 15 September 2009

Greenville Seminary

I posted Greenville Seminary because my oldest and youngest sons, now in the ministry, graduated from there and I want to say 'thank-you'. I don't think it is the 'most perfect school of Christ' ever to have existed but it is a very good one. The distinctives for which I am thankful are first, its confessional base in the Westminster standards (the Three Forms of Unity are also acknowledged). Second, I liked the encouragement of evangelical piety, personal holiness, scripture study and prayer and was especially impressed by the fact that professors and students prayed together. Third, and I suppose this covers the other two in part, the emphasis was on experimental Calvinism as opposed to a detached commitment to systematic theology. Make of it what you will, the seminary did my sons much good and gave them the kind of foundation I never had at the beginning of my ministry. To God be the glory!

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